May you've got some settings/preferences or add-ins tweaked ...

1)  Close Firefox (and check process table to make sure nothing is still 

2)  Rename your $HOME/.mozilla to something like $HOME/.OFF.mozilla.

3)  Make sure there is no $HOME/.firefox folder ... if there is, rename it too.

... just a shot in the dark.

- Don

From: <> on 
behalf of Rich Shepard <>
Sent: Friday, March 3, 2017 7:35:52 AM
To: Portland Linux/Unix Group
Subject: Re: [PLUG] Web browsers not displaying images

On Thu, 2 Mar 2017, Rich Shepard wrote:

> This morning I tested these sites from a different host and they all
> displayed and worked as expected. So the problem is on my desktop
> server/workstation.

> I rebooted the system but this does not fix the problem. I'm at a loss
> where to look for the source of this new issue as I've not before
> encountered anything like it.

   Today I re-installed firefox-45.7.0 but this made no difference. I'm
looking for suggestions for where to look for this problem. It's not
consistent (for example, some images on and display,
some do not; all images on other news sites display, none display on other
news sites) and affects only this desktop.

   Since rebooting the system and re-installing firefox did not fix the
problem where else should I look?


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