David Fleck wrote:
> On Sun, 2017-10-08 at 12:14 -0700, Ken Stephens wrote:
>> I got into my email with my cpanel password.  This is different from
>> my old aracnet.com password.
> Did you have a pre-existing cpanel account? If the systems don't accept
> my aracnet password, I don't see how to go about setting a new one.
> Not sure that I want to, anyway. Given this occurrence of this severe a
> user support debacle, I'm not very inclined to continue business with
> them (after 16 years...)
> -- 
> David Fleck <david.fl...@mchsi.com>

Yes, I had a previous cpanel account because they host my websites. I stumbled 
upon it by pushing 
enough buttons in my mail client, seamonkey.  I am also using SSL/TLS 
authentication.  They may have 
turned off their 110 port.  Especially if they were hacked.  I can set my email 
account password in the 
cpanel.  You could try to their RSS feed, but that just has Wordpress' "Hello 
World" message which is 
little help.  I shows they were working October 5th at 2:35 AM.


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