On Tue, 2018-02-20 at 03:41 -0800, Russell Senior wrote:
> I have no idea what a kde activities is, fwiw. Why don't you explain
> in
> English what it is your goal is, and then we won't have to guess?

From Richard's link:

Activities were introduced with the KDE 4 release series. For some
reason, they have never caught on, partly because the project has
rarely emphasized or explained them, and partly because how they are
different from virtual workspaces has never been clear. It doesn't
help, either, that from the virtual workspace pager on the panel, you
can set virtual workspaces so that each can have its own icons, widgets
and settings, just as Activities can.

I've been using KDE + SuSE for over a decade, and I *still* haven't figured out 
what "Activities" are or why I need them. On the other hand, I've found that I 
can ignore their existence without detriment.

(I'd just like to take this opportunity to give a shout-out to whomever put 
together the OpenSuSE 42.2 -> 42.3 update process. Smoothest upgrade I've ever 
done, on any OS.)

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