I'm starting to research laptop options for my new work machine. I like to
run ubuntu and I really want to get a laptop that I can connect to my 2
desktop monitors for most of my use. (yes I basically want something that
functions like a docked machine/desktop, except for the ability to take it
to meetups, travelling, etc.)

I think that as long as I get something with a discrete video card, I
should be fine with connecting 2 external monitors with one rotated 90
degrees. I tried with a laptop with onboard graphics and rotated monitors
would never work. From some research it looks like. Other people have had
luck with multiple external monitors and rotation on linux as long as they
were using nvidia cards.

Anyone on the LUG running a Dell precision laptop with multiple external
monitors? Just curious if anyone had found they had an easy or a miserable
time with them.

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