Doubt you'll have any problems, I run a latitude with Ubuntu and a dual
monitor setup (and have done so with other previous Dell laptops) and never
had any. I do avoid things like plugging/unplugging while the laptop is
asleep though, so can't speak to that.

Might want to consider an Ubuntu blessed laptop just to let Dell know
they're on the right track:

On Wed, May 2, 2018, 12:19 PM c <> wrote:

> I'm starting to research laptop options for my new work machine. I like to
> run ubuntu and I really want to get a laptop that I can connect to my 2
> desktop monitors for most of my use. (yes I basically want something that
> functions like a docked machine/desktop, except for the ability to take it
> to meetups, travelling, etc.)
> I think that as long as I get something with a discrete video card, I
> should be fine with connecting 2 external monitors with one rotated 90
> degrees. I tried with a laptop with onboard graphics and rotated monitors
> would never work. From some research it looks like. Other people have had
> luck with multiple external monitors and rotation on linux as long as they
> were using nvidia cards.
> Anyone on the LUG running a Dell precision laptop with multiple external
> monitors? Just curious if anyone had found they had an easy or a miserable
> time with them.
> Thanks,
> Purcell
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