On Wed, 12 Sep 2018 11:00:54 -0700
John Jason Jordan <joh...@gmx.com> dijo:

>I have recently developed a desire to increase the speed of my 4.5
>year-old laptop. It came with a 4th generation Intel Core i7-4800 MQ
>processor, 2.7 GHz, 6MB L3 cache, 4 cores, plus hyperthreading.
>Assuming it's not soldered to the motherboard, are there now faster
>CPUs that will fit in the socket? If so, recommendations?

I've just discovered from System76 that the CPU for "this laptop version
isn't in a normal socket that allows easy upgrades." 

Bah. Now I'm thinking of a new laptop. After all, this one will be five
years old in November, hard as it is for me to believe that. Man, that
Tempus dude just fugits his tail along, doesn't he?

So now I have a new question: Considering that I need CPU speed, what
is the fastest CPU currently available in laptops?
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