On Thu, 13 Sep 2018 05:45:13 -0700 (PDT)
Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> dijo:

>On Wed, 12 Sep 2018, John Jason Jordan wrote:
>> So now I have a new question: Considering that I need CPU speed,
>> what is the fastest CPU currently available in laptops?  

>Are you sure you're constrained by CPU speed and not memory speed or

I'm sure that memory speed is part of what's constraining me, and that
is one reason that I am considering a new laptop. My current laptop has
DDR3 at 1600 and that's all it will take. I'm considering upgrading it
from the original 16GB to 32GB, but it will still be the same speed. A
new laptop, however, will take DDR4 at 2400, so that is one reason for
considering a new laptop.

Last night I did a bit of shopping and stumbled across a Lenovo P71,
which offer several CPU options, including a Xeon instead of a Core i7.
I like almost everything about it, except that it has a shortage of USB
ports, and only 3.0 at that. Also Lenovo's site is short on
information. On the other hand, Lenovo sells a real docking station for
it, which probably has additional USB ports.

The predecessor to my current System76 Bonobo Extreme was a Lenovo
Thinkpad T61. I replaced it after five years even though it was still
working because of the need for speed, plus I worried that it might
fail at a crucial moment. After about six months my System76 developed
video problems that required replacing the motherboard (under
warranty). When I bought it I had installed an mSATA SSD for the boot
drive, so before shipping it back to System76 I removed the drive,
bought a USB to mSATA adapter, plugged it into the old Thinkpad, et
voiĆ ! I was back in business, not even a problem with the video. Slower
than the second coming, but at least my life could continue
uninterrupted. So one of the things I want to find out about the P71 is
what kind of internal drive connectors it has. If it has an mSATA port
that would be awesome.

This Sunday at the Clinic I intend to remove the bottom panel from my
System76 and poke around. At the very least it needs removal of nearly
five years of dust, but I also want to see what kind of RAM it has and
take a look at the CPU socket.
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