This so easy to answer:
A) get any nice laptop with Linux - VNC to your desktop for speed.

All laptops are slow compared to desktop, workstation or a server powered
directly from the powerplant.

Lol, Tomas

Seriously, what you have is still pretty fast as laptops go. Speed needs
power and cooling - not quite what laptops are for.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2018, 9:00 PM John Jason Jordan <> wrote:

> On Wed, 12 Sep 2018 11:00:54 -0700
> John Jason Jordan <> dijo:
> >I have recently developed a desire to increase the speed of my 4.5
> >year-old laptop. It came with a 4th generation Intel Core i7-4800 MQ
> >processor, 2.7 GHz, 6MB L3 cache, 4 cores, plus hyperthreading.
> >Assuming it's not soldered to the motherboard, are there now faster
> >CPUs that will fit in the socket? If so, recommendations?
> I've just discovered from System76 that the CPU for "this laptop version
> isn't in a normal socket that allows easy upgrades."
> Bah. Now I'm thinking of a new laptop. After all, this one will be five
> years old in November, hard as it is for me to believe that. Man, that
> Tempus dude just fugits his tail along, doesn't he?
> So now I have a new question: Considering that I need CPU speed, what
> is the fastest CPU currently available in laptops?
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