On 1/21/20 10:14 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
On Tue, 21 Jan 2020 21:29:48 -0800
Dick Steffens <d...@dicksteffens.com> dijo:

Back when I first set up the machine I ran

$ sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall

Would the right thing to do be to run

$ sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall -f

or something else? I'm running the 390 driver.

I don't have similar notes for installing VirtualBox. What is the
correct command for reinstalling that?
I'm a big fan of Synaptic package manager, mostly because of the ease
of searching. If you type 'nvidia' into the search box it will cough
up all the packages that have 'nvidia' in the package name or
description - which means it will even display the nouveau driver.

Once you have the search results click on the status button and select
'installed.' That should show all the nvidia drivers that you have
installed (just one, hopefully). Right click on it and choose

Thanks. That didn't appear to do anything.

I found nvidia-driver-390, right clicked on it and marked for re-installation. They I clicked on apply. I got the "Changes applied" box indicating success.

Next I restarted.

I still have only one monitor working, and it is running at a low resolution.

I also get a "System program problem detected" I chose the "Report problem..." button. That box goes away, and it doesn't appear that anything happened. Is there somewhere I can look to see what the detected problem is? Maybe that will be a clue. Because it goes away, I've forgotten to mention it, but I got that notice every time I rebooted today.

In Synaptic, the little box for nvidia-driver-390 is still green.


Dick Steffens

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