On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 9:49 PM Keith Lofstrom <kei...@kl-ic.com> wrote:
> I use rotated monitors ("tallscreens") for my computers.
> How do I configure lightdm for a screen rotated right?
> ----
> I've learned how to rotate the framebuffers for grub boot
> and my mostly working Mate-Ubuntu 20.04 desktop displays.
> However, the login screen for mate-ubuntu uses the lightdm
> display manager, and I haven't yet figured out how to
> rotate the screen for that login page.
> It's not a huge problem - all I need to do (for now) is
> remember that the mouse moves sideways and jostle the
> pointer into the password box, but at some point I will
> add other users to the console login menu, or forget
> how to "think sideways".
> Frankly, I would prefer to log in from the same text
> screen as boot, THEN have a LOGIN SCRIPT fire up Mate
> instead of a GUI greeter, but I don't know how to make
> that happen either.

Since the switch over to systemd the process is much different, but
here are the instructions for setting things up to boot into console

and once in console mode here are the instructions for starting the gui

I have not tested those steps, but they look like the right approach.


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