On Sun, 16 Apr 2023, MC_Sequoia wrote:

"My issue is getting good sound quality from the 'Net using Zoom and Jitsi."
This is probably the best & most useful piece of information you've to work 

That seems to point away from a audio card, audio software/drivers,
cables, etc.

I don't often view news site or youtube videos but it's the same issue with
them as it is was the Zoom meeting. The other issue with Zoom is that I
heard unclear sound throught the Creative Pebble speakers that were
installed, and no sound through the Panasonic headset. Yet, the headset had
no problem with my tests of a news site video or a youtube video.

Music comes through okay, but music vocals is not quite clear. Perhaps it's
the browser, but I've used the Zoom test meeting and it reports audio and
video are okay. The test doesn't send me any audio, however.



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