And locked on the monitor?

And the computer doesn't have any form of tv out?

and there aren't any other monitors in the house?

I got around much harder impediments than any of this stuff when I was a teenager.

The very best thing you can do it put the computer in a public area and actually track them. Next best will be to lock the router in a closet somewhere (key lock, metal door), lock down the network to a proxy (like dansguardian, etc) and even then they may find ways around it.

Never underestimate the ingenuity of nerd children.


On 01/07/2010 11:26 AM, Merrill Oveson wrote:
It's locked inside bob.

On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 9:56 AM, Daniel C.<>  wrote:
On Thu, Jan 7, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Merrill Oveson<>  wrote:
A simple solution is called bob.

It plugs into wall then into the TV, or whatever.  You set the time of
day, time allowed, etc.
When the times up the power is cut.  (For a computer, plug it into the monitor.)
I'm sure no 14 year old would ever consider moving the monitor's power
cord to a different outlet...

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