On Thursday, January 07, 2010, at 11:29AM, "Grant Shipley" <gship...@gmail.com> 

>Call me old fashion but .... what about just trusting them to follow the
>rules?  If they break the rules, just take the computer away for a period of
>Please don't take that as me trying to give you advice on how to be a
>Father, cause it's not intended as thatl.  I just think because we are
>*linux geeks*, that when we want to impose some restrictions on people, the
>first thing we think of is --- there has to a open source solution for this.

I completely agree. I also have similar thoughts on filtering. While I don't 
think you should have the internet wide open for youth, I also believe that you 
will hinder them by protecting them from everything. If they have not built up 
the strength to avoid bad things and manage their activities on their own then 
they will be doomed the second they use any other computer outside your home 
(which will be often).

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