On Wed, 20 Jul 2011 11:58:51 -0600
Robert Merrill <robertmerr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> -- They may not be willing to share the company name if they are an
> external recruiter. Reply with, "fine, but I know a lot of people at
> a lot of companies and I don't want my name spread around without my
> permission. Before you can present me, I must know your client name
> and give you my permission. I will not allow you to represent me
> without my permission. OK?"

Another reason to enforce this policy is to prevent multiple
submissions. Multiple submissions mean a risk that the two submitting
recruiters will both bill the client, and that means risk of a
lawsuit. The client will break off all contact with both recruiters and
with you. If they've hired you, they will fire you. ASAP. Without cause
and without telling you why.

Your obligation here it to make sure you maintain a list of which
recruiter has presented you where.

If the recruiter gets antsy about this requirement, fire them. Such
recruiters are toxic.


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