On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 1:58 PM, Ryan Moore <panicla...@gmail.com> wrote: > Well said. It is hard for me to understand why this is such an emotionally > charged subject for so many. This simple and rational conclusion seems > quite obvious to me. But then again, I do like kool-aid, gatorade, and > lemonade. In fact, I like pretty much all the -ades.
I think at this point all of the rational people that disagree with marriage equality, do so on the basis of branding. The use of the word marriage. They feel it should be reserved only for the religious kind of marriage, and the legal one should have to pick a new brand. I understand this feeling. However, I think it's time to realize that the current branding of marriage has already been diluted. The objections to building marriage into the legal system should have been made hundreds of years ago. I think it's way too late. /* PLUG: http://plug.org, #utah on irc.freenode.net Unsubscribe: http://plug.org/mailman/options/plug Don't fear the penguin. */