I agree that would be the better route.  However our elected
representatives and the
majority of the population do not agree.  There has been little to no
political action
toward removing marriage from government.  I do not believe there is any likely
possibility for that kind of change to happen in the near future.

So, until that time in the future comes when we can remove marriage from being
entrenched in our society and government, we exist in situation where groups
of people are not being treated equally under the law.  The practical remedy
for this problem is that we can simply legalize marriage for all people.

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Doran L. Barton <f...@hypermoo.com> wrote:
> On Monday, June 10, 2013 02:28:54 PM Daniel C. wrote:
>> > Government has no place in marriage, that includes regulating it and
>> > taxing it or not taxing it.
>> Eliminating the legal status of marriage is not possible, nor would it
>> be desirable.  When one spouse is incapacitated, the other spouse can
>> make medical decisions on his or her behalf.
> I agree with Keith that the federal government should just get out of marriage
> altogether. Marriage, as it has been traditionally, can be expressed via
> legally binding contracts, as Daniel has stipulated. As such, marriage, in the
> government's eyes, becomes simply a partnership between two people.

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