First I do not believe God would tell me to violate his word.  So I really 
cannot answer your question.

It is difficult to understand, however we have free will while God is in 
control.  I chose to follow God.  If I do not he send me to a place absent him 
called Hell.  If I chose to be with God then he welcomes me into his paradise.  

If I heard a voice telling me to kill or rape, I would instinctively know it 
was the voice of the devil.   


Keith Smith

--- On Mon, 6/10/13, Daniel C. <> wrote:

From: Daniel C. <>
Subject: Re: Did Ed Snowden do the right thing?
To: "Provo Linux Users Group" <>
Date: Monday, June 10, 2013, 2:08 PM

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 4:23 PM, keith smith <> wrote:
> I only read the first paragraph and Istopped!! Yikes!!  Jesus is not telling 
> anyone to "genocide, the murder of a single innocent child, rape, what have 
> you".

It's a thought experiment, Keith, not a quote from the Bible.  The
question is, if God told you to do one of those things, would that
make it right?  In other words, is the word of God the "source" of
right and wrong?  Or do right and wrong already exist, and God simply
points them out to us?  If you're used to thinking of things in terms
of the "divine command" theory, this may seem like an arbitrary
division, or like I'm splitting hairs.  But it's an important
distinction to make when discussing religion.

I would urge you to go back and read the rest of my email.  If the
specific things I chose as examples are too upsetting to you, feel
free to mentally replace them with something like "stealing a Snickers


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