So I was working on some code for a project written in QT and decided to
give QT-Creator a try.
This is the first time I've used this project in possibly 5 or 6 years.
All I can say is WOW I think I have a new favorite IDE.

I think going forward I'll be using it as my primary IDE when working on
C/C++ projects.
This thing is just so slick!

For example...
I spent quite awhile trying to track down where a particular value was
being defined.  In Creator it was literally only 1 right click away.
Next I needed to add a new form to this project.  Again 2 clicks and I had
a nice UI designer and I could toggle between drag and drop and code with a
single keypress.

Honestly I have never seen an IDE this slick,  It blows the doors off any
other IDE I've used in the past 5 years.

I'm relatively certain it would be useless for mixed code (Java, JS, Ruby
whatever), but it's the best thing I've ever seen for C/C++.

I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Anyone else try it lately?
Are there any caveats I ought to be aware of?  Thanks!

p.s.  If you haven't tried it lately, you haven't tried it.  You should
grab it and give it a try (make sure it's Creator not Designer, Designer
appears to be UI only).

PLUG:, #utah on
Don't fear the penguin.

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