Having used pfSense so much for work I find my home network lacking without
it. I'm getting ready to put one in this weekend as the main
router/firewall/vpn. I've got two apple airport extremes that I'm excited
to relieve of their dhcp, dns, and routing duties.

On Wednesday, December 23, 2015, Nicholas Leippe <n...@leippe.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 2:28 PM, Jonathan Duncan <
> jonat...@bluesunhosting.com <javascript:;>> wrote:
> >
> > What tools do you use on your desktop for routing? ("route", "linuxconf",
> > "iptables")
> >
> > I am decent with networking, but might not be ready to roll my own
> router.
> > But I would certainly be interested in learning more. Perhaps a PLUG
> > meeting on this topic?
> >
> Currently I only use iptables with my own custom rules, and occasionally tc
> for QoS with a customized script from wonder-shaper.sh or whereever I got
> it originally.
> In the past I have done some pretty interesting things with iptables, tc,
> and route for more advanced setups. There are actually some pretty
> interesting optimizations you can do even just within iptables using the
> mangle table, CONNMARK, and reorganizing your rules to make things more
> performant in cases where it matters.
> For simple home use, just a handful of rules between the filter and nat
> tables does everything I need, even for bridging to vms--it's not all that
> difficult once you get over the learning cliff of the flow. But there's
> really good charts for that now.
> If you get hardware that openwrt supports they have a decent UI and default
> ruleset that let you configure to handle the most common scenarios. I've
> yet to be that lucky--to have a common scenario suit me--but a little
> tweaking and it's easy enough to make it do just what you want.
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