After installing the MusicInfoSCR into /mnt/slimserver/Plugins
directory on the LinkStation, I tried looking for configuration
settings on the web interface but couldn't find it on the server
settings nor player settings.  I am not sure if I need to install

It's in the player settings' plugins section. If you can't see it neither there nor in the plugins list of the server settings, start slimserver with the -d_plugins parameter. It should give you a reason for the failure (though I can't imagine one).

MHCPAN -- I think it is only for Windows.

You're right, it's Windows only. And the plugin doesn't need any of these modules.

Another strange thing is that of the two Squeezebox3, one of them shows
the MusicInfoSCR display, not the other.  Both have firmware 28.
Slimserver version is 6.2.1-5719-Linux-EN.

This at least tells us that it's working :-). But then I do not understand your first question: how does it display if you didn't activate it?



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