docterry wrote: 
> I am running LMS 7.9.1 in a Docker container on a QNAP TS253-pro. 
> I have added the repository
> and
> there is an item "Erland's plugins and applets" from the Plugins page in
> Server Settings.
> When I select any item to install, I get the "Click here to restart the
> server" dialog. However, when I click "Restart now", the page reloads
> with the plugin listed under "Updated plugins available". So I select
> the plugin, click Apply. But it never restarts the server and
> continually shows the item in "Updated plugins available".
> Am able to install all other plugins without problem.
> I can download the .zip archive of the plugin from URL in the
> repositories/latest.xml file. But I don't know where to put it in the
> Docker. Can I unpack it into "cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/" folder?
> Thanks!

You might try waiting a few minutes before clicking on "Click here to
restart the server" dialog - it may not have completed downloading the
updated plugin file before you restart.  If that still doesn't work, you
can turn-on additional logging within LMS to try to see what's going

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