I tested using another computer and the issue did not occur!

That's re-assuring.

Can you provide more details such as ports and what type of
communication are used for 'Spotify Connect' so that I can continue to
troubleshoot on that original PC, which is the machine I have to use as
my LMS day-to-day.

Unfortunately I haven't figured that one out myself yet... I'm using a library the details of which aren't all known to me. I think it's using the "Bonjour/mDNS" protocol, which would be broadcasting on 5353/UDP.

I'm unsure why anything would be blocking any ports or comms since I
turned off Windows Defender and AVG on that machine and the issue did
not go away, but if you have more details, as requested above, I can
pursue this issue further and figure it out on my own.

Firewalls often do not turn off as much as they pretend to do... we've seen cases in the past where you had to actually uninstall them to get things working again... Windows Defender should be ok, though, as that's what probably everybody is using on Windows nowadays.


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