ynot1234567890 wrote: 
> Open a terminal to your HA installation, go to your shell directory
> which is usually (supposed to be) just under the config directory
> /config/shell (where you put your shell script files (ie: qry_alb.sh,
> etc..)) and type pwd.  This will give you the full path. The full path
> is what should be put in you configuration.yaml file.  A typicall hassio
> direcotry structure would look like:
> \config
> \config\shell
> \config\scripts
> etc...
> To open a shell to the docker container I use the following type of
> command:  *docker exec -it homeassistant bash*
> This will open a terminal inside the docker container.

The only way I know how to get to the shell directory is the full path
of /volume1/web/docker/homeassistant/shell  When I type in the command
docker exec -it home-assistant bash it goes to /usr/src/app

It seems I've done something wrong in the initial setup?

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