robanglin wrote: 
> Thanks Michael, appreciate any help or insight you can provide. I have
> noticed the song duration phenomenon you describe as well, no idea if
> it's related to the skipping/track ending prematurely piece, which for
> me happens nearly constantly--by which I mean almost every other song.
> On rare occasions I can get through a 15 min block uninterrupted, but
> almost always happens during the 2nd or 3 track of a block.
> I am happy to assist in helping to troubleshoot this issue in any way I
> can--just let me know; thanks again.
> Rob

Hi - as you note, I've had this issue pretty much since the beginning of
RP on Flac and never been able to solve it.  I have LMS on a WHS-2011
server along with all my music and videos.  It's always fully up to
date.  It's always been pretty much unusable, I get the skipping thing
every few songs, it's such a shame as the Flac stream is noticeable
better than the the 320mb/s stream (I have a Chord Mojo dac on the
kitchen system and a Teddy Pardo dac on the main rig).

About a year ago I got so fed up with it that I bought a R-Pi3 and
installed LMS on it.  It was a bit of a fiddle to point it towards all
my music on the server.  I uninstalled LMS from the server.  It was
definitely a bit better, but still did the skipping thing.  Maybe it
skipped every 5 or songs rather than every 2 or 3.  This would imply
that it's something odd about my network, but if that's the case it is
ONLY Radio Paridse on the LMS that has an issue, everything else, BBC
iPlayer etc works fine. 

I guess I should have done some more exhausive testing, e.g. turn off
the server and anything else on the network and use the R-Pi server in
stand alone mode.  But ... I just gave up, went back to LMS on the
server and stick to 320mb/s.  

If I use the Radio Paradise webplayer on either a phone or PC plugged
straight into a dac it works perfectly.  Doing that right now and it's
been going for approx 2 hours perfectly.  

Just weird.
Hope this helps track it down.  Michael I can't believe you do all this
hard stuff for moaning minnies like us!!


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