cpd73 wrote: 
> Yes, the notification is always shown - similar to SqueezeCtrl. I could
> have it only appear only when there are tracks in the queue, but I'm not
> sure its worth the hassle.

I accept if it's not a prio for you, but for me it feels strange that
there is a notification for a track playing although nothing is actually
playing. Even more as the notification is also displayed on the lock

May I ask for other features I'm missing a bit?
- in the playlist screen the number of tracks are shown on top, it would
be nice to show the current's track position in front of that.
- in the now playing screen I'd like to see the album's track number
together with the track title
- in the now playing screen it would be nice if one could zoom into the
cover display. I just recently found out that Orange Squeeze is allowing
this and I like it.

Anyway, I really appreciate your work!

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