philippe_44 wrote: 
> For the ones who have "stuttering" problems, there are 2 types of
> issues
> 1- A song is skipped in its middle and audio move either to Bill's
> announcement or to another track ==> this is a TLS encryption problem in
> Bill's setup when stream pauses for too long. Nothing we can do on our
> side ==> I don't think this is what some of you describe
> 2- For stuttering, have you tried to put a really large streambuf (for
> the squeezelite users). Go large like 50MB (not the outputbuf) and see
> if it changes something. If it does not, you can help by capturing
> packets
> tcpdump -w radio.pcap host
> The file will be BIG and then you can use different tools to visualize
> it (I prefer Windows Wireshark) and look for gaps

Changed the stream buffer on my squeezelite players to 50MB (-RPi B with
HifiBerry DAC, and  RPi 3B+ with HifiBerry Digi-) both have played with
no stuttering for about 9 hours :)

Used command line option "-b 51200:3446" without quotes on a max2play
installation, 'Command Line Options' setting is found in max2play
interface on the Audioplayer tab in 'Edit Advanced Options'

On piCorePlayer there is a 'Buffer size settings' option on the
'Squeezelite Settings' page, no need for -b just add sizes eg 51200:3446

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