slartibartfast wrote: > When I say "assume touch" I get the response "that makes no sense you > don't have a player called church hall"
The FAQ section in the online docs mentions this on the subject of player names: -During setup, the skill automatically retrieves the names of your players from your LMS server. Best results with the skill will be achieved if your players are named after the room in which they are situated, without possessives and without extra/qualifying words such as e.g. "player", "squeezebox" or "streamer". In other words, plain English single-word common names like "Livingroom", "Kitchen", "Study", "Office", "Garage", "Studio", "Bedroom", "Bathroom", "Diningroom", "Basement", "Guestroom", "Nursery", "Library", "Cellar", "Hall", "Lobby", "Conservatory", "Lounge", "Pantry", "Scullery", "Salon", "Washroom" all work perfectly and are easiest to utter as you get used to the skill. Names like "John's player", "Master bedroom", "Livingroom front player", "Bazinga" *may *work but will need to be verified by trial-and-error. Same for contrived single-word names like "Kidsroom", "Babyroom", "Spareroom" and "Alexandersroom". In the end, it's best to work with names that Alexa can understand consistently for your locale.- Using *Touch *as a player name will cause endless grief. A design choice was made to require that the player name maps to a normal English-language room name (she has a built in list of what she thinks that includes). Leaving it wide-open to any category of name slows down command processing very noticeably and also causes her to add the vocals of background music to your utterance. That's why this decision was made for this skill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ philchillbill's Profile: View this thread: _______________________________________________ plugins mailing list