I was very happy when I saw Podcast support added, but I Can't get it to
work - Menu item is there, and episodes are added to the playlist - but
LMS just skip through the episodes without playing any of them.

Ordinary music from spotify work.

I Can't find anything relevant in the log files - reboot and try to play
a Podcast-list looks like this:

    2019-11-27 00:46:03 squeezeboxserver_safe stopped.
  2019-11-27 00:46:40 squeezeboxserver_safe started.
  [19-11-27 00:47:04.1782] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server 
(v7.9.2, 1574315728, Thu Nov 21 07:14:22 CET 2019) perl 5.024001 - 

The only thing I can find in the log-file related to Spotty is
periodically "spam" with messages like this

    19-11-27 00:14:10.5120] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1474) API call: 
  [19-11-27 00:14:10.5122] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1478) error: 429 Too 
Many Requests
  [19-11-27 00:14:10.5124] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (131) Error: 
Select task failed calling Slim::Networking::Async::_async_read: Can't locate 
object method "url" via package "HTTP::Headers" at (eval 1289) line 1.
  ; fh=Slim::Networking::Async::Socket::HTTPS=GLOB(0x55ad395b6400)

I have 5 players (Logitech HW) 

Server is OMV with LMS installed manually (Not Docker container)

    Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1574315728 @ Thu Nov 21 07:14:22 CET 
  Hostname: omv
  Server IP Address:
  Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
  Operating system: Debian - EN - utf8
  Platform Architecture: x86_64-linux
  Perl Version: 5.24.1 - x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
  Audio::Scan: 0.95
  IO::Socket::SSL: 2.044
  Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)
  Total Players Recognized: 5

Spotty helper is auto = spotty-x86_64 (v0.30.0)

No big deal - but if there is anything that I have missed, I'd
appreciate a hint ;)

SchOX's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=12389
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