mherger wrote: 
> > It is probably related to the image cache. Whenever the artist is not
> > yet in the cache, it will not be displayed at this point.
> There indeed are requests which would return information about the 
> artist, but not the artist picture. In this case you'd see the generic 
> icon until more data of the artist has been loaded using some other API
> calls.

The question is can we change that?

When surfing through the music catalog in Qobuz, it's practically the
norm to encounter new artists that are not yet in the cache and
therefore not displayed.

Of course, this is not the end of the world, but maybe we can simply
improve it at this point.

Please make the following attempt:

1.) Select "Qobuz - My Favorites - Artists"
2.) Select one of your favorite artists.
3.) Now you see the artist menu
4.) Select "Similar Artists"

Watch what happens and wait 1 minute and then scroll down the list.

The list of "Similar Artists" is displayed.
Hopefully it is more than one page.
Every artist picture is displayed except Qobuz itself has no picture of
this artist.
Even if the artist was not yet in the cache.
You can recognize the first loading of a new artist image by the slight
delay in the display of the images.
If you call up the same list a second time, the already loaded images
are displayed immediately, as they are already in the cache.

If you turn a page down you can clearly see which images are loaded into
the cache.

Obviously there must be a difference between "Album Tracklist" and the
list "Similar Artists".
But in both cases the same sub "_artistItem" with the identical
parameters is called.
In the list "Similar Artists" the display becomes refreshed until the
last image is displayed.

Why does this not happen in the "Album Tracklist"?

Here the code inside "Album Tracklist" beginning with line 851:

                if (my $artistItem = _artistItem($client, $album->{artist}, 1)) 
                        $artistItem->{label} = 'ARTIST';
                        push @$items, $artistItem;

Here the code inside "Similar Artists" list beginning with line 405:

                                        for my $artist ( 
@{$searchResult->{artists}->{items}} ) {
                                                push @$items, 
_artistItem($client, $artist, 1);

The code is from v1.600

Who might be able to find out and who might have the necessary
informations and contacts?

The only one I can think of is you. :-)

I've tried to no avail. Not a chance.

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