rgdawson wrote: 
> I believe that squeezelite sets Player Model to 'SqueezeLite'.  At one
> time, SLX would use the -M switch and set Player Model to Squeezlite-X
> (-M Squeezelite-X), but a user reported that it caused the ickStream
> plugin to consider it unsupported (see post #489), so I removed it, and
> let it go with 'SqueezeLite'.
> If I used the -M option to set Player Model to 'SqueezeLiteWin' I expect
> that ickStream will not work with it, as it apparently used that value
> to determine if the player is supported by ickStream.  Seems like
> ickStream should be using the Player Type, but it apparently uses Player
> Model.
> So that is our problem.
> R Greg Dawson

Fair enough. But ickStream is no longer functional - it was shutdown
over a year ago:

--M Squeezelite-X- is fine - just want a way to recognise it. Not a
massive issue either way, just thought it might look nice. If you have
mono SVG icon for squeezelite-x I could even use that.

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