Jaca wrote: 
> I was 100% sure at the time but just checked again and its not there..
> so no, not sure at all :D 
> For some reason we seem to drift away from main point here:
> If I understand correctly Spotty Online Library integration will only
> work correctly if Library Views is set to "All Library (Default)". Is
> that right? 
> I have only started experimenting with Library Views( Advanced Search)
> and it seems like there is only "AND" operator for queried fields..  
> If there was "OR" operator I could specify smth like: 
> File Format = Spotty
> (or)
> File Path = ....\MP3  
> Which would give me Library View with my Local and Online music..
> (without non-music folder which could be assigned to other Library
> View)
> Another problem I noticed is that if I create non-music Library View
> with specific path , Spotty will still list Online Artists in "All
> Artists" and "Album Artists" but without actual content(albums). 
> "Albums" View seems to filter correctly/as expected. 
> Am I missing smth or is it just case that Online Library integration is
> in early stage of development and not fully functional? 
> Cheers!

If you want a library view without your non-music folder how about
specifying either
Genre -not in text search- (list of genres to omit) or
Path doesn't contain (your non music folder).

I also see empty Spotify artists in a library view if no albums meet the
library definition, it is probably something Michael hasn't considered

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

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