And finally, a hacky fix that seems to have got things  at least
*partially* working on the short tracks stopping problem. 

I tried editing the command line options in
Spotty-Plugin/Connect/, specifically:

        my @helperArgs = (
                '-c', $self->cache,
                '-n', $self->name,
                '--bitrate', 96,
                '--player-mac', $self->mac,
                '--lms', Slim::Utils::Network::serverAddr() . ':' . 

If I comment out the bitrate specification or set the bit rate to 320,
wire's pink flag plays fine. I can play short tracks, skip to short
tracks and I can change players without issue. 

                # '--bitrate', 96,

Michael, I have no idea why this is working, but I've tested it on both
my main LMS server and a test server on my desktop. In both cases it
fixes the problem for Pink Flag. I know this is not the long term fix,
but I'm hoping this helps pinpoint the problem for you.

However, this does not fix the problem with the first track '!!!!!' on
the Billie Eilish Album 'WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP ...'. I've tried
fiddling with settings in both and custom-convert.conf, but
haven't had any luck with these. I spent a bit of time checking this
with process monitor, and I could see spotty was triggering WerFault a
couple of seconds after starting, but I wasn't able to find more detail
than this.



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