Roland0 wrote: 
> First of all, I wrote this ~3 years ago, so I have to admit  I'm a bit
> hazy on the details.
> However, one thing I noticed was this modification in add_tracks
> > 
  >   > 
  > # original code
  > if numtracks > MUSLY_MUSTYLENUMTRACKS:
  > _LOGGER.debug("add_tracks: using subset for setmusicstyle")
  > sample = random.sample(range(numtracks), k=MUSLY_MUSTYLENUMTRACKS)
  > smtracks_type = (ctypes.POINTER(self.mtrack_type)) * MUSLY_MUSTYLENUMTRACKS
  > smtracks = smtracks_type()
  > i = 0
  > for s in sample:
  > #_LOGGER.debug("add_tracks: subset setmusicstyle: {}".format(s))
  > smtracks[i] = mtracks[s]
  > i += 1
  > else:
  > smtracks_type = mtracks_type
  > smtracks = mtracks
  > snumtracks = numtracks
  > # NOT original code
  > smtracks_type = mtracks_type
  > smtracks = mtracks
  > snumtracks = numtracks
  > # original code continues    
  > # int musly_jukebox_setmusicstyle (musly_jukebox * jukebox, musly_track **  
tracks, int  num_tracks
  > self.mus.musly_jukebox_setmusicstyle.argtypes = 
[ctypes.POINTER(MuslyJukebox), ctypes.POINTER(smtracks_type), ctypes.c_int ]
> > 

D'oh!!!! That's it. Sorry. I originally thought all tacks should be
used, so removed the if part. And forgot to remove my mod when re-adding
the if/else. Strangely enough my jukebox file is now much smaller :o 
Thanks for this, and the original code! Now I wonder if this will
adversly affect the mixes...

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