mherger wrote: 
> > Ok... for me there is absolutely no way to prevent the skips after 3
> or
> > 4 minutes... tried it with or without ogg enabled, tried it with or
> > without Spotify Connect... I think librespot doesn’t like the recent
> > Windows-Updates, 2 months ago I didn’t have those problems...
> Are you sure it's not Windows going into power savings mode?... I'd 
> expect many more reports if there was a fundamental issue.
> -- 
> Michael

Michael, thanks!
you pointed me in the right direction - there must have been something
wrong with my Windows-Installation... I reinstalled the latest Win 10
image available from Microsoft + the latest updates & kept myself from
performing any 'tweaks' on the system :-)
No more skipping, even with ogg-enabled! Really in love again with LMS!
Best regards, Oliver

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