mr.cracky wrote: 
> Hi,
> first thanks to Martin for the work he made!
> I upgraded my  DS712+ to an DS920+ on Black Friday.
> First I was shocked that LMS ist not longer available in the Paket
> Libary.
> Then I was pleased that there is an alternative repository to install
> it. 
> Now the next shock: LSM will not work under DSM 7.
> Today I tried LMS on docker. It works fine on my synology.
> The are many Containers with LMS.
> This one:
> works fine.
> 1. Install Docker on your synology
> 2. Serch for lmscommunity/logitechmediaserver in the registy of Docker.
> (I have tried other Dockerimages but this 
> one works best.)
> 3. Download lmscommunity/logitechmediaserver
> 3. In the tab Image the progress is shown. If finished you can start it
> from here. 
> 4. Follow the assistant. 
> 5. Have fun.
> In the assistant under Volume  you have to map your Music volume (and
> maybe orhers) to the docker image.
> I use iTunes intergration so I mount the Folder containing the
> ituneslibary.xml to /mnt.
> Then you can select the .xml in the iTunes Tab of the Media Server.
> Further the shairtunes2 Plungin vor Airplay works fine.
> Greetings 
> mr.cracky

mr.cracky has already provided guide steps.. I will just go into more
details for those unfamiliar with docker:

I'd advise to initially  make note of your existing LMS config: what
plugins are installed , what music folders, players settings,  exports
playlists..etc  then stop pinkdot's LMS package (to avoid) ports

1. go to package center , find and install docker,  
2. open docker , on left side click on registry and search for lms,
select lmscommunity image and click download...


your will get option to choose version ( I went for latest which is
8.0.1) will take a short while to download.(you will get
notification when finished)

4. Click on image side tab, select lmscommunity image and click launch 


5. you can name and set cpu priority and max memory allocation , then
click on advanced settings


6. Select enable autostart 


7. in Volume tab, you map your local music from NAS shared folder to LMS
music folder as well as specify where LMS config file will be stored..
(ohh and playlists)

This is as per docker info page :
' '

- /<somewhere>:/config:rw
- /<somewhere>:/music:ro
- /<somewhere>:/playlist:ro

ps somewhere is folder on your NAS


8. Under Network tab select : use the same network as Docker Host  (left
bottom)  and click apply.  Next and Apply 

I think that's it. Please note your LMS will be now under port 9000
instead of 9002 (from pinkdot package) so you may have to update your
app or browser bookmarks etc..  

(ohhh in case if your music library is on more then one NAS shared
folder you will have to create symlink.. but that another tutorial :D)

Hope that helps, if anything is not clear just ask

|Filename: lms05.JPG                                                |

3x Squeezebox Touch, 3x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi with
HiFiBerry DAC+Pro), Material Skin Apk, Squeeze Commander, Logitech Media
Server Version: 8.0.0 with Material Skin
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