mps wrote: 
> On a related note, I notice that TrackStat has been added to the
> 'Unsupported Repositories'
> (
> with a 'commit '
> (
> of "Add a test repository file for unsupported plugins."If it helps, I
> would be willing to take over support of TrackStat as well. More
> generally, are Erland's plugins being added to the unsupported
> repository list?

Feel free to add TrackStat to your repository file in same way as you
did with Database Query. After adding it you can also do a pull request
that remove TrackStat from the unsupported repository:

The idea with the unsupported repository is to make it possible to
install plugins which have been abandoned by the original developer but
have been tested by someone in the community that they work with the
latest LMS release. Unsupported indicates that the plugin has worked at
some time but nobody have verified it with the latest LMS release so you
use it at your own risk and it might break LMS since it hasn’t been
formally tested. All my plugins/applets can be considered to be
abandoned and they will be added to the unsupported repository as soon
as someone has told Michael(mherger) via pull request (adding it to
unsupported repo) or some other way that they work with currently latest
LMS release and they want it to be available as an unsupported plugin. I
don’t think Michael will add any plugin to unsupported repo before it’s
requested and someone has verified that it seems to work with currently
latest LMS release. If someone volunteer to take over
support/maintenance of a plugin it should be in a normal repository file
and not in the unsupported repository.

The following thread contains the discussion that resulted in the
Unsupported plugins feature being added in LMS 8.1:

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
Developer of 'many plugins/applets'
erland's Profile:
View this thread:

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