comeng wrote: 
> OK
> So done various tests as my base I ran 8 hours solid music streaming
> from my NAS to the 3 synchronised Raspberry Pi's and as expected I got
> no drop outs or any other issues so internal networks and devices appear
> to be functioning correctly, then did the same with Listen Again and had
> no issues, doing the same with Live feed Radio 2 I had one occasion of
> loss of sound of a couple of seconds with nothing showing in the log
> files and at this level it is not even a minor irritant.
> So what has changed and the only thing I can identify is upgrading to
> Sounds 2.9.1.
> The one thing I did notice was that the log file when on Live appeared
> very similar to that of Listen Again whereas previously the number of
> requests per second was significantly different
> I will keep monitoring and get back to you.
> If it would help I can send log files if anyone cares to specify what
> they would like to see.
> Thank you for help and as always in such circumstances I am frustrated
> that I cannot come up with an explanation or put my finger on one issue
> that could be further investigated.
> PhilI just noticed 3 or 4 "dropouts" in a row on Radio 2 live. 

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