afriend wrote: 
> I'm working on the DynamicPlaylist integration part. And it seems I have
> a sql problem. I've successfully managed to rebuild a no-parameter
> playlist. But I have some other PLs with temporary tables. I've been
> using them for a long time with DynamicPlaylist (via custom SQLplaylist
> definitions). But they don't seem to work directly in DPL. Is it
> possible that DPL has a problem with temporary tables? Or that
> SQLplaylist does some translating I'm missing? Here's a simplified
> version with one parameter that returns zero tracks:
> > 
  >   > $sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS randomweightedratingshigh;
  > DROP TABLE IF EXISTS randomweightedratingslow;
  > DROP TABLE IF EXISTS randomweightedratingscombined;
  > create temporary table randomweightedratingslow as select tracks.url as url 
from tracks
  >     join tracks_persistent on
  >             tracks.url=tracks_persistent.url and tracks_persistent.rating 
<= 49
  >     limit 60;
  > create temporary table randomweightedratingshigh as select tracks.url as 
url from tracks
  >     join tracks_persistent on
  >             tracks.url=tracks_persistent.url and tracks_persistent.rating > 
  >     limit 40;
  > create temporary table randomweightedratingscombined as 
  >     SELECT * FROM randomweightedratingslow 
  >     UNION 
  >     SELECT * from randomweightedratingshigh;
  > SELECT * from randomweightedratingscombined 
  >     ORDER BY random() 
  >     limit 20;
  > DROP TABLE randomweightedratingshigh;
  > DROP TABLE randomweightedratingslow;
  > DROP TABLE randomweightedratingscombined;
  > ";
> > 
> It doesn't seem to work in Database Query either. Seems only
> SQLplaylist can work with this. Any idea why?

How do you integrate ?
I you integrate by implementing getNextDynamicPlayListTracks I guess you
are aware that you need to return an array of Slim::Schema::Track
objects and not the string with the sql statement. You need to execute
the sql yourself and execute each sql statement separately, you can
probably steal some code from SQL Playlist plugin function
It splits the statement string into separate statements, one per row,
and execute the statements and lookup Slim::Schema::Track objects by
calling the getTracksForResult function also included in SQL Playlist
code. You can probably remove a large part of the code since you
probably don’t need to cover all variants SQL Playlist supports.

If you don’t want to execute the sql yourself you should instead
integrate with SQL Playlist plugin. I think SQL playlist separate
statements by new line character so you can’t write a statement on
multiple rows as you did in your forum post.

The free form query in Database Query only supports a single statement
if I remember correctly so that’s probably the reason that doesn't work.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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