mherger wrote: 
> I can't reproduce this. Maybe you can disable 3rd part plugins to see 
> whether this still happens without them?

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'd already disabled *all* plugins (not
only 3rd party plugins) and deleted all databases and caches known to me
at some point.

So the only plugin enabled is my Test Plugin that gives me the debug
messages for rescan done events:

    package Plugins::TestPlugin::Plugin;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use utf8;
  use base qw(Slim::Plugin::Base);
  use Slim::Utils::Log;
  my $log = Slim::Utils::Log->addLogCategory({
        'category' => 'plugin.testplugin',
        'defaultLevel' => 'DEBUG',
        'description' => 'Test Plugin',
  sub initPlugin {
        my $class = shift;
  sub testcallback {
        $log->debug("\n\n****** TEST CALLBACK INIT ******\n\n");

And whatever I do the callback function is *always called twice* on my
system. I even talked a not very happy friend into installing LMS and
softsqueeze on his old Windows7 laptop with only this test plugin
enabled and he gets 2 messages as well.

Ordinary install.xml be like

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <name>Test Plugin</name>
        <description>some desc</description>
                <id>Logitech Media Server</id>

I really don't know where else to look. Are there any other settings
that could cause this? If I only knew what to look for...

Logitech Media Server Version: 8.1.2 - 1619728303 @ Fri Apr 30
Operating system: macOS 10.15.7 - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: unknown
Perl Version: 5.18.4 - darwin-thread-multi-2level
Audio::Scan: 1.02
IO::Socket::SSL: 2.066
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)

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