pippin wrote: 
> Hm, weird, I haven't seen that one, will have to investigate whether I
> can somehow reproduce this.
> Could you tell me your Album-Artists settings from the LMS settings
> menu?

So it’s not just me. I have this same problem and it seems to happen
only to Artists I have more than 100 albums of.
And if if you click on one of the duplicates Albums it sometimes will
add more of the same title.

Also a bigger problem is that when you go into one of these Artist with
over 100 albums, some of the albums Disappear..

1. - Let me try to explain, I click on the Artist icon then go to the
artist I want (Beatles, Stones, Pearl Jam, Springsteen, Various Artists
- all have over 100 titles) all albums are there in the correct order. I
then click on any album to open up. When I click to go back to All
albums, some are gone!!!. If I back out again to the list of Artists and
then go back again they are all there even the ones that disappeared. If
I click on a different album, then go back they disappear again.

It also seems to be the same titles that are disappearing so it’s not
random. I can’t for the life of me figure out why these albums are
disappearing. I have the albums listed by year, for instance for the
Stones some of the Titles that go missing are “England’s Newest Hit
Makers, Out Of Our Heads, Now!,). I have checked the tags for the
missing titles and can not find any thing that would make them drop.I
have also noticed that if I count how many albums I have in that decade
for the Stones 60’s I have 20 albums, but the amount is cut in half
when I go back.  I looked in the amount for  the next decade and noticed
that the titles that disappeared is again half.

2. - On a separate issue which might not be an Ipeng issue is that after
putting in the LMS update I have noticed that in the Artist list it only
showed Album Artists. Before the update it showed All Artists both Album
Artist and Track artists which is what I want.
I went into LMS and changed it to 2 lists instead of combined. 
Now I have 1 Artist icon of just Album Artists and a 2nd Artist icon
that includes Album Artists, Track Artists and Composers.. 

How do I get it back to just one list with just Album Artist and Track
artists like it used to be?
Or if that is not possible how do I get rid of all the Composers. I know
I could just go and delete all composers but that would take me forever
to go through every album. 

If anyone can please help me I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance……

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