jacme31 wrote: 
> Hi
> I use Spotty on a "Picoreplayer" as a LMS plugin (through  Spotify
> connect) for several years without any worries  I have encountered some
> problems since for about 2 weeks :
> - The music systematically stops at the beginning of the next song after
> two notes. I have to switch the music to my phone, then back to Picore
> Player to hear it again.
> - There is sometimes a desynchronization between the music played and
> what is shown on the Spotify application (the song changes in Spotify
> but music remains in the previous song)
> My LMS plugins are updated automatically and the problems seem to start
> with 4.8.4 (but I am not totally sure because of automatic changes). Now
> I have all reinstalled with the latest releases (OS, LMS)  and I have
> the same problems.
> My current configuration is based on a  Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
> Platform Architecture: armv7l-linux
> Operating system: piCore -Player 8.2.0
> Logitech Media Server Version : 8.2.0
> Spotty 4.8.4 with all advanced options unchecked (I tried OPtimizes pre
> buffering and Use of fallback acces point without any sucess) . I use a
> spotify client ID with 2 accounts.
> My Log :
> [22-09-26 17:27:13.9313] main::init (390) Starting Logitech Media Server
> (v8.2.0, 1627922070, Tue Aug  3 11:43:18 CEST 2021) perl 5.032001 -
> arm-linux-gnueabihf-thread-multi-64int
> [22-09-26 17:30:30.0401] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1428) Invalid
> data: 204
> [22-09-26 17:30:30.5885] Plugins::Spotty::API::__ANON__ (1428) Invalid
> data: 204
> It would be interesting to try with a previous release of Spotty but I
> don't know how to do.
> Thanks in advance.

Hi @mherger

I've got exactly the same behavior.. :(
I will try to give you my logs

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