mamema wrote: 
> "Top Rated" playlist in DPLv3, my expectation is "play only 5 star
> ratings"....
Since users have different ideas about which rating(s) should be
considered -top,- the (min.) top rating value can be adjusted in the
plugin settings. Same with -Ratings Light-. BTW if you want to
browse/list rated tracks, there's a setting (disabled by default) in the
RL settings (-menus- section) for creating browse menus. If all you want
to do is -play- songs with a specific rating, one of the built-in
dynamic playlists might do the job: -Songs - RATED (choose *minimum*
rating)- or -Songs - RATED (choose *exact* rating)-.

mamema wrote: 
> when i modify a rating from 5 star to 1 star, which is working according
> to the ratings log, those songs reappear in the standard build in "top
> rated dynamic playlist".
> why is that?
That shouldn't happen. And it doesn't on my test system. Once a track
has been given a 1 star rating, it should no longer appear in tracks
that are -subsequently- added or when you restart the dynamic playlist.
DPL3 puts a query to the LMS database to get all tracks rated x stars
and then plays the results. The SQLite statement is pretty simple so
there's little room for errors there. Maybe check if the track was
properly rated as 1 star using the track's context menu afterwards. And
then there might be database inconsistencies (2 entries for 1 track,
maybe mp3 tag related...). Anyway, I can't reproduce that here. Sorry.
If you find conclusive evidence that it's a DPL bug, please post a bug
report on Github. Thank you.

⚠️ Please post *bug reports* for my plugins *only* on
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you can also find the *FAQ* (if available) and more detailed information
about each plugin. Thank you.
I've updated the information and links in the *➥ first post* of
all support threads.
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