Hi Erland, I've just installed your plugins for the first time with SB7
(I used it for quite a while with 6.5).  I'm getting alot of timeout
messages during the scan for Last.FM data and I wonder if it isn't
something beyond the slowness of the process.  I have yet to complete
this stage and when I woke up this morning after a full night of
processing, I couldn't access Squeeze via the web interface (IE cannot
display the web page).  I cleared, re-ran and this afternoon the same
thing happened.

I am using a fairly recent (3 nights ago) version on Win XP.  I have
attached my log (but deleted many thousands of the repetitive timeout
warnings (every 1.5 seconds?) leaving a sample of what has occured in
the last two days.

Any ideas?  Thanks, David

|Filename: erland.zip                                               |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=4357|


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