> I tried installing (upgrade from 7.0) this by following your
> instructions, everything looked OK, but SqueezeCenter won't start.

So you've upgraded both SlimNAS 1.1 and SqueezeCenter 7.1?

> As a test I logged in with SSH and ran "perl slimserver.pl", it came
> back with a message along the lines of "module DBD::mysql is missing".

One of the changes in there was indeed about DBD/DBI. What version of FreeNAS 
are you running? It looks as if we had some differences in FreeNAS causing me a 
bit of a headache.

As you're savvy using SSH, could you please try the following:

- SSH into your FreeNAS machine
- cd to your SlimNAS folder
- run the following commands:

cd usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/mach
ln -s auto/DBI .

Restart SC using the FreeNAS web UI. Does this work?


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