I just tried 0.5 on my iPhone 3G and what a difference compared to 0.4
on iPod Touch.

pippin;319534 Wrote: 
> Smooth Scrolling:
> * The different pages on the NowPlaying screen now can be scrolled
> in and out like the Pages of the Springboard.
This really feels like a native application.

The scrolling in the Now Playing screen is a lot smoother than the
scrolling when you enter the different browse menus from the Home page.
Is it possible to get the same smoothness also in the browse pages ?

I suppose the smoothness requires the sub page to be already loaded, so
it won't work for sub menus that needs a server request to retrieve its
information ?

pippin;319534 Wrote: 
> * You don’t need to do “two finger scrolling” to move around
> content pages or the playlist. We’ve all waited for this, haven’t we
> Seamless Volume and “Elased Time” controls
This feels great in the playlist view, could this be used in all the
rest of the brows pages also or is it limited to short lists ?

I tried to load a large playlist and the Now Playing view basically
never finish loading. It's not a big issues for me personally since I
mostly use short playlists with a length of 10-20 tracks, but with a
large playlist of several hundred tracks it doesn't work. I'm not sure
if the same problem also exist in 0.4, but in 0.5 it is unusable with
large playlists. 

Could this problem be related to the new features in 0.5 ?

pippin;319534 Wrote: 
> * In former iPeng versions, you could click on the volume bar to
> select a volume. This was a bit inexact. Now you can drag the volume
> handle.
> * While dragging, the current volume will permanently alter, so you
> can hear whether it’s what you want
> * An extra overlay will show the current volume level, in case you
> like it VERY exact.
Really nice 

pippin;319534 Wrote: 
> * For “Elapsed Time” this will show the time into the track. But
> no, no immediate update here, of course, your track stays on until you
> release the handle
I think it makes sense to not update it immediately, it would probably
just be confusing since you won't get fwd/rewind like a CD-player

pippin;319534 Wrote: 
> And last but not least: Drag’n'Drop reordering of the Playlist
> * No more clicking between tracks to change their order.
> * Just touch and hold a track for more than 1.5s and it will be
> “elevated”. Now you can drag it along the list and drop it into the
> place where you want it to be.
> * COOL!
Really nice

The major issue is still that at some situations it feels like the
server isn't answering as fast as it should. Sometimes I get the
loading icon at the top and it just keeps loading a very long time. I'm
pretty sure this isn't a iPeng problem though, because I sometime have
exactly the same behavior in the standard web interface.

I still feel it's the right way to try the native application path, but
I'm really impressed in what you have done in the iPeng 0.5 release and
it feels like we have got something very usable to use while waiting
for the native application.

Once again really, really great work.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.homeip.net) 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=49821

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