> Michael, do you have any idea why it works to return a format from the
> getMusicInfoSCRCustomItems callback in my plugin that is called
> "DYNAMICPL" but it doesn't work to return a format called

No :-(.

> It seems like if the format contains "PLAYLIST" somewhere in the format
> name it is ignore and the _MIS_CUSTOM_123456789012DYNAMICPLAYLIST string

Is it really the term PLAYLIST which triggers the misbehaviour? Would EG.  

Could you please enable debugging for plugin.musicinfoscr and see whether  
the handler is registered at all ("Got item XYZ for plugin ABC")?

> is displayed instead of the real value provided by my plugin. I never
> get any call to my registered callback function. If I change the format
> name to DYNAMICPL everything works again.

Please add some debugging code to MusicInfoSCR::Info::getCustomTagData to  
see whether it's called or not. It's kind of a proxy procedure which in  
turn should call your code (managing caching etc.).

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