gharris999;399002 Wrote: 
> The easiest way to implement this without having to work up an elaborate
> player selection UI is just to provide an edit box on the prefs where
> you'd put a "white list" of player macs...if there are macs in the
> list, then only players in the list are "allowed" to be pushed to SN. 
> Sort of the compliment to the existing "Specific players to restore"
> pull-back feature.
> Is that the correct sort of UI symmetry to use here?  As opposed to a
> "black list" of players to never push?
Another possibility would be to put it in the Player tab, like the MIS,
SuperDateTime, and some other plugins do. I'm not sure whether it is
easier, either from a coding or a UI standpoint, to put the option
under the Player settings or keep it with the rest of the SPC settings
via the Plugins tab. As for whitelist vs. blacklist, I haven't seen the
"Specific players to restore" pull-back feature yet so it's hard to
comment on that. I think a whitelist is probably the better way to go,
but it's a close call. 

gharris999;399002 Wrote: 
> Re buttering toast: my triglyceride levels aren't in such good
> I don't think I should help you there.
How about cracking open a beer?

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