pnharrison;417059 Wrote: 
>  interested to hear what you, and others, think.

Interested, too.

Just a few comments:
1. I am VERY reluctant to add yet another gesture (doubleclick) people
don't even understand the one that is there (hold). Especially
exchanging the roles between the two would be confusing.
2. For this reason, I have the philosophy that you should be able to do
more or less anything without use of gestures. Radios are being reworked
right now (so Rhapsody, Napster etc. don't require it anymore). The only
exception might be mixers that you cannot reach through TrackInfo (don't
know whether there's somethink like that) but that would really be
advanced stuff.
3. For this reason plus the one that a lot of people commented
positively on it I plan to keep the "play album on cover" feature, when
that didn't work in some screens I did get a lot of feedback to add it.

The think I did in fact consider, was to remove the "play" modes for
anything but track listings and to always bring up a context menu on
hold which then could include "play, add, add-next" items. Plus remove
the "i" from track listings.
The drawback is, people playing a lot of albums (like myself) would
lose some direct access.
What do you think about that?


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