pippin;417172 Wrote: 
> OK, a few things about what is going on:
> 1. iPeng reads the data in the table in "pages" of 100, 300, 300...
> items so it's quite normal that it always gets stuck on the same album.
> It doesn't mean there's something happening at the next one, it's more
> like something happening during the next 300 items.
> 2. iPeng itself now doesn't do a lot with the data it gets besides
> storing it. 5.300 albums is a lot but not out of scope for iPeng, I've
> seen much bigger libraries work fine. If the data loads SLOWLY (other
> then outright stopping) this can either mean the server is slow, the
> connection is bad or iPeng has a lot of other stuff to load.
> Do you also have a long current playlist (for the active player)? long
> here means >1.000 tracks.
> 3. iPeng crashes. Now that doesn't sound good. Besides some menu stuff
> i only know about one scenario in iPeng 1.1 so far where it crashes on
> it's own (while you do nothing) and that involves unscaled artwork.
> Since you are not yet loading artwork, it can't be that.
> 4. It _might_ be it get's some data from the server it understands, but
> I haven't seen that for a while, yet.
> Is there a way you could grant me access to your SqueezeCenter so that
> I can see myself what's happening? if yes, send me a mail to coolio att
> penguinlovesmusic dott com.

1. OK, that is probably it.

2. No, I only have an album's worth of songs at the time in the

3. When I come to think of it, when I have experienced strange crashes
without touching the iPod it has been connected to the computer and
charging (and iTunes not running). I have experienced multiple crashes
before, but I have not been able to reproduce them since they, before,
have seemed to me just random. But as far as I can recall now all the
crashes occurred when the iPod was connected to the computer. - I have
now disconnected the iPod from the computer and it got as far as albums
beginning with Ma..., where it seems to be stuck, again.

Since I only access SC locally I would not know how to grant you
access, but I will send you an email and if you can guide you through
the process I will do my best to let you in.

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