pippin;444055 Wrote: 
> Have you read through the page I linked?
> I guess your top bar shows an "m", right?
> Could you toggle it until it shows a ">" (not ">|") and try again?
> Each song: That's exactly what I meant with "it depends on whether you
> have subfolders".
> SqueezeCenter doesn't have a command to play the contents of a folder,
> you can only play a whole folder structure.
> If your folder only contains tracks (no subfolders), it will play the
> whole folder from the track you selected.

yes, i was kinda confused till now...thanks...i was wondering about it
after i read that. It was kinda confusing...


*Headphones* - Sennheiser HD650 + Enigma Audio Oracle Cable, Shure
SR530, Grado RS1, Grado HF1 + SR125 (loaners)
*SOURCES* - Headroom Micro DAC, 120GB Classic 6G Ipod, Headstage Lyrix
USB DAC/AMP, Squeezebox v3
*AMPS* - Headroom Desktop Millett Hybrid (#01) + Desktop Power Supply,
Headstage Lyrix portable Amp
*SPEAKER SETUP*- Squeezebox > Headroom Micro DAC > Headroom Millett
Preamp out > Cambridge Model Twelves.
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